What is the My Shipping membership?

  1. Free delivery You’re guaranteed up to £5 refund per online purchase on your shipping costs.
  2. Available on all ecommerce stores Our service is available across all online retailers (except Amazon.com). You’re eligible for a refund every time you time you order from your smartphone or computer!
  3. Any UK postcode MSHIP is available anytime you get delivered within the UK

For more information, please click here to visit our terms and conditions page.

Members enjoy a 3 day free trial and then pay £40 per month to use the MSHIP service.

Here’s a reminder of how to claim your benefits:

1. Make a purchase on any online store
All your online orders qualify for a free shipping, except ones from Amazon.com
2. Select Express delivery
When you’re checking out, make sure to select the “Express Delivery” option when choosing your preferred shipping method**.**
3. Upload your order documents
Go to “Claim my free shipping” and upload all the necessary documents: order confirmation, sales receipt, retailer information, shipping charges, and sales date.
4. Get a full refund
You’re guaranteed a refund, up to £5 per purchase on your shipping costs.

  1. Signing up to My Shipping is easy. Select our shipping method at checkout and you’ll automatically start your 3-day free trial. Otherwise, you can create your account by filling out the form on our “Sign Up” page here.

You must be 18 years and above to register for the My Shipping membership.

Your My Shipping membership allows you to get up to £5 off your shipping fees when you order online. My Shipping makes it easy for you to save every time you shop online. Sign up to My Shipping’s monthly membership and enjoy a 3 day free trial. If you choose to cancel your My Shipping membership during this period, you won’t be charged.

If you are not satisfied by the services, there are two different ways for you to cancel your membership:

1. Click here
2. Contact us

It is important for you to know that if you cancel during your FREE 3-day free trial period, you will not be charged. If you decide to cancel your membership after the FREE 3-day trial period, you will no longer be automatically charged. You’ll be able to continue using the service and claim your free shipping until your subscription period comes to an end.